oikos.pt dominio lookup resultados del servidor whois.dns.pt:

Domain: oikos.pt
Domain Status: Registered
Creation Date: 06/11/1996 00:00:00
Expiration Date: 15/07/2025 23:59:57
Owner Name: Oikos, Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento
Owner Address: Rua Visconde Moreira de Rey, 37
Owner Locality: Queijas
Owner ZipCode: 2790-447
Owner Locality ZipCode: Linda-a-Pastora
Owner Country Code: PT
Owner Email: jjfernandes@oikos.pt
Admin Name: AlmourolTec - Servicos de Informatica e Internet Lda
Admin Address: Rua José Dias Simão, Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Edifício INOV.POINT S/N
Admin Locality: Abrantes
Admin ZipCode: 2200-062
Admin Locality ZipCode: ABRANTES
Admin Country Code: PT
Admin Email: registry@buydomain.pt
Name Server: nsp1.mydnspt.net | IPv4:  and IPv6:
Name Server: nsp2.mydnspt.net | IPv4:  and IPv6:
Name Server: nsp3.mydnspt.net | IPv4:  and IPv6:
Name Server: nsp4.mydnspt.net | IPv4:  and IPv6:

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